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About Redeem Commands

You can use these commands to redeem sounds, animations and/or have me play almost any game on stream! In order to use redeem commands you must have enough gil to use the command you want. 

100,000 Gil Redeem('s)


This command allows you to choose almost any game for me to play! There is a maximum of 3 stream takeovers at a time, once one takeover is done there will be an available space for another. You will also have a cooldown for how long you can use another stream takeover again. I have the ability to choose to decline a game if I feel it’s not good for streaming or if I decide it costs too much to buy the chosen game.

300 Gil Redeem('s)





























!8ball - Ask a yes or no question with this command (Example - !8ball Is FF7 Remake the best game ever?)



Other Redeem('s)

2,000 Gil

!redeem victory 

!redeem betrayal

1,000 Gil

!redeem tyraniclaire

500 Gil

!redeem rosalina

!redeem Lightning

!redeem peach

!redeem bonk

!redeem tifa

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